Open source

We choose open source to save development precious resources: time & money.  Quality is ensure by thorough evaluation, comparison, integration and testings.

Open source communities are strong, supportive.  Open source software presents in many industries.  Selecting right open source component will save us time for not reinventing the wheels while allow the control of the source,  enable us to adapt the component to best fit with the situation.


We understand supporting multiplatform is mandatory for our customers’ ease of access.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications, and other IT resources through a cloud services platform via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

We promote cloud computing because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness.

Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud


NLP (Natural Language Processing) is a field in AI.  Automate business process by understanding the communications (e.g. email, documents) to record leaves, change organization chart, recognize authorizations..

Personal email assisstant

A PA for everyone,

classify emails,

distinguish between spam, personal, business emails

know what is important, urgent or else

Integrate with BPM to query info, approve, reject.. State your decision by replying email and it’s done!

Insightful HR services

Accelerate HR services

Enable flexible, human HR policies by making conformance a breeze


Tailoring the solutions to best fit with the situation

Organization structure management module

This module stores hierarchical structure of an organization, including actual and virtual, permanent and timebased.

This is the core for authorization and BPM modules


My name is Le Tuan Nha, from Hanoi, capital city of Vietnam.  Since childhood, I loved to discover how things work and to create things like little machinaries, toys. After years working in IT field, I realized I can combine my childhood passion with professional experiences to bring value to life.  So I founded ThinkerClub, this is the place for friends like me collaborate and turn our great ideas into reality.
Our current focus is statistics applications, AI and NLP.